"I reach out to Sue for physical and emotional help because of her compassionate nature, she is never judgmental, she always looks for the positive in situations and helps me to really think about why I feel the way I do and gives me tools to change that mindset.
She never says no to helping others, but she does it in a way that people feel they’re helping themselves."
Bernadette S., Bangor, PA
"I love the personal side of our sessions. Sue is laser focused on me and MY needs when I’m with her. I am not a number or a name, I’m HER client at that time. She takes precious time to learn and listen what I am saying so that she understands me & why I’be come to
see her. And let’s not leave out all her years of experience and knowledge and the fact that she is always striving to be better and learn more so she can share with others. I never think twice about asking a question because I value her perspectives and/or her ability to assist in searching to find the answers together with me so I may then make my own choices. "
Bonnie H., Easton, PA
Reflexology has helped to alleviate my many years of back & leg pain.
Doris Bertschman, Bethlehem, PA
"I never imagined that my feet could be the reflection of the rest of my body. Sue took her time and thoroughly checked both of my feet or I should say my whole body."
Gilles Godefroy, Paris, France
"Susan Lurie’s experience and mastery will convince you of the effectiveness of reflexology."
Arnaud Clave, St. Lo, France
"I have suffered with chronic back & shoulder problems and I have been to doctors, surgeons, chiropractors and physical therapist, none of which have helped me. My only relief has been through the use of reflexology. Thanks Sue, for your magical fingers that have performed miracles!"
Ann Lipari, Easton, PA
"Sue Lurie’s understanding of reflexology and the process was both fascinating and skillful. The treatments themselves were relaxing and energizing"
Julie Ferries, Durham, England
"The thing that I enjoy about Susan Lurie, is her guiding knowledge as she is performing the CranioSacral therapy, which leads to a deeper visualization...a look on the inside, as we work through the blocked areas and gradually return the body to its natural rhythms by reprogramming & rebalancing."
Susan Wilkins, Stroudsburg, PA